Engine Repairs or Builds

If your Banshee engine stopped running or doesn't sound right, we can help you diagnose the problem. We test it or take it apart to inspect it and evaluate the condition. 

We have the tools. We specialize and focus on Banshees, so we have the knowledge. We know most of the tricks and nuances for fixing Banshees and getting the level of  performance you are looking for. 

Unless you are a mechanic, it would be easier and faster to have Re-Do Banshee repair or rebuild your engine - or - build it up a little for added performance.  We can:

  • Suggest a practical plan to repair or build your Banshee engine. 
  • Help you get the most bang 💥💥 for your buck 💵. 
  • Provide advice on which combo of engine parts will get you the performance you want.
  • Explain the trade-offs for tuning or building your engine for different riding conditions and riding styles.
  • Help you find the right balance between performance and reliability for your Banshee, and recommend parts combos and setups. 
  • Repair or build your engine based on the plan you and Re-Do Banshee agree on. 
  • Test, tune, and break in your engine so it's ready to go! 💨

NEW! Ship Your Engine to Re-Do Banshee For Repairs 

Do you live too far away to bring your Banshee to us?  We can help you ship your engine to Re-Do Banshee for repairs or rebuild.

After your Banshee engine has been repaired or rebuilt in our shop, we put your engine in our test stand to tune it, test it, and break it in (heat cycle it) for you. Once we are sure everything is working just right, we ship it back to you so you can reinstall it in your Banshee. 

If you are interested in shipping your Banshee engine to us for repairs, click here for more info about How to Pack & Ship Your Banshee Engine to our shop. 

If you have any questions, call us to discuss your project or help you diagnose the needed repairs.