Banshee Pre Ride Checklist

If you're getting started riding, the items on this checklist will help you make sure you're ready for a fun Banshee riding trip and less likely to run into problems.

Some of these items may seem too simple to provide a list for. But we also know when we go riding, someone usually has their gas off, floods it, doesn't choke it, doesn't turn the key on, etc. Having a checklist is a good reminder! 

You may also want to read our article for a list of Tools and Extra Banshee Parts to Take Riding.

On Your Drive to Go Riding

  1. Fill one or more gas cans with an amount of fuel or gas that is easy to mix with 2-stroke oil.
    1. 5 gallon cans work well.
    2. Make sure to fill the can with EXACTLY 5 gallons of fuel, or exactly the amount you need to mix oil into.  Don't under or over fill the can, or your fuel to oil ratio will not be correct.
  2. Wait to mix the oil in the fuel until needed.
    1. This keeps it fresh and doesn't waste expensive 2-stroke oil.
    2. Later - If you don't use all your gas, pour the unmixed gas into your truck.
  3. After Mixing, switch the 2-Stroke Mix Tag on your gas can to the ratio you've mixed your fuel to. 

Mixing Oil with Gas

  1. Use a Ratio Rite to accurately measure your 2-stroke oil. We use Klotz 2-stroke oils. Their recommended fuel to oil ratio for water cooled engines is between 32:1 and 50:1.
  2. Pour the 2-stroke oil into the gas in the gas can.
  3. Slosh the gas around in the can to help mix the oil in.
  4. Switch the 2-Stroke Mix Tag on your gas can to the ratio you've mixed your fuel to.
  5. Fill your Banshee's gas tank with the mixed oil.
Inspections - 1x Per Day
  1. Walk around and kick all 4 tires, or try to press your foot into the tires.
    1. If any seem flat, check the tire air pressure. Add air as needed.
    2. Make the air pressure for the rear tires equal or your Banshee may turn to one side while powering up sand or loose terrain. 
  2. Lube your chain once every riding day in the morning.
  3. Visually inspect the chain tension & sprockets.
    1. Look out for a loose chain or rounded over sprocket teeth. 
  4. Check that the coolant overflow bottle has some coolant in it.
Starting & Warming Up
  1. Turn the gas on.
    1. Make sure you turn the gas to "ON" and not to "RESERVE."
    2. Save reserve for if or when you run out of gas on your ride. Then you can switch to reserve and hopefully have enough to make it back to camp.
  2. Turn the key on.
  3. Turn on the run switch.
  4. When it's cold, pull the choke button out (on).
  5. Give it plenty of throttle when you are starting your Banshee so the engine doesn't flood with gas. Hold it open 1/3 or so.
    1. If you have kicked it 5 or 6 times without starting, push open the throttle once or twice then hold it open 1/3 or so. This does not mean to keep pumping the throttle open over and over, which can flood the engine.
    2. Keep checking it until it can idle and keep running.
    3. If you smell gas, it could be flooded.
      1. Pin the throttle wide open and kick until it starts.
      2. When it starts, throttle it up to 1/2 or more for a few seconds to keep it running.
      3. Back off the throttle, but keep it throttled up enough to keep it running and burn the excess gas out of the carbs.
      4. Keep checking it until it can idle and keep running.
  6. Let it warm up. You can start on an easy ride while it warms up, but avoid revving it up excessively until the choke is off. 
  7. Once it is smoking less and runs smooth, check to make sure the choke is turned off. 
    1. The choke often turns off by itself, but if it is still smoking a little or running rich, push the choke button in. 
  8. Have fun riding. 💨👍








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