Pack and Ship a Banshee Engine

Re-Do Banshee's process for shipping engines has evolved over the years.  We've tried a few different ways to ship them, and this page describes our current best practices and suggestions to ship your Banshee engine

If you are shipping an engine to Re-Do Banshee, we can make this easy for you!  We can ship you a box with all the needed packing supplies in it.  We can include a return shipping label. Then all you have to do is follow these directions to package your engine, then take it to UPS and ship it to us. 

  • Price for this is $45, which covers the engine packing materials and our shipping cost to get the box to you.  This is for the lower 48 states.
  • Price to ship the engine to Re-Do Banshee after it is packed up is extra. 

Another Option - Save the Box!

When you buy a Banshee engine from RE-DO Banshee and we ship it to you – SAVE THE BOX used to ship you your new engine! Re-Use the box and packaging to pack up your old engine and ship it back to us. We can send you a shipping label. This saves you the cost of the packaging. 

    How to Package Your Banshee Engine

     For a list of materials and written directions, keep scrolling past the video. 


    Materials Needed:

    • 1 - Box sized 18" x 18" x 18." Needs to be double wall thickness.
      • Near us, we found that Lowe's has a heavy duty medium size box that is 18" x 18" x 16" and double walled.  This is shorter, but it can work. 
    • 4 - 2" x 4" boards cut to 17.5" long. Can also use 1" x 3" boards. 
    • 8 - Screws or nails - to fasten the boards together.
    • Plugs: 
      • 2 - for spark plug holes (ours are blue)
      • 1 - for clutch cover (ours is yellow)
      • 1 - for cylinder head - coolant opening (ours is red) 
    • 4 - Plastic bags - to cover intake & exhaust ports.
    • 4 - Rubber bands - to hold plastic bags on.
    • Lollipop shrink wrap - used to shrink wrap engine to pallet.
    • Packing paper - to wad up under the engine.
    • 2 - Pool noodles - to place on top and around engine. We buy them at Dollar Tree. 
    • Tape - for the box.
    • 4 - Straps - for outside the box (if you are able). 

    Steps to Pack the Engine:

    1. Drain the engine of all fluids. UPS requires this. It reduces weight and most importantly, they don't allow flammable liquids.
    2. Put plastic bags over the intake & exhaust ports. Use rubber bands to hold them on.
    3. Plug the holes for spark plugs, clutch cover, and cylinder head. 
    4. Create a wood pallet for the engine to sit on.
      1. This can be made from 4 pieces of 2" x 4" or 1" x 3" wood.
      2. Cut wood pieces to 17.5" lengths (length should be 1/2" shorter than the size of box you use).
      3. Screw the wood together in a tic tac toe format. 
    5. Set the engine on top of the wood pallet. 
    6. Use the lollipop shrink wrap to firmly attach the engine to the pallet. 
    7. Tape the box securely on the bottom. 
    8. Wad up paper in the bottom of the box for the pallet to rest on top of. Make it thicker in the middle.
    9. Set the pallet with engine attached down in the box on top of the wadded up paper. Press down firmly.
    10. Put the pool noodles around the top of the engine to take up any extra space in the box. This helps hold the engine in place during shipping.
    11. Tape the box closed securely.
    12. If you are able - add 4 straps to the outside of the box in a tic tac toe pattern (when looking down at the top). This adds an extra layer of protection to keep all the packing materials in place. 
    13. Take your package to UPS to ship. We've found they are the least expensive. 
    14. Insure the package for at least $1000. This will not cover the cost if it is lost, but it will likely cover the cost of any damage during shipping. 

      Call us 📞📱 if you have any questions!